A chef’s knife is one of the most important kitchen tools a cook can have. It is one of the most versatile knives you will have in your inventory. They can also be quite expensive. Today I have a good quality option for those on a budget. Here is my OXO chef knife review.
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Simply Scrumptious Chicken Pot Pie Recipe
Chicken pot pie is a dish that came to me later in life. While I had, of course, heard of it, I never cared for it in my younger days. I grew to love it as an adult, and it is now one of my favorite chicken dishes. Today, I want to share with you my super simple chicken pot pie recipe.
Kitchen Tip: Taste While You Cook!
If you struggle to make dishes that are properly seasoned, I have a simple tip for you: taste while you cook! While this is second nature to most experienced cooks, you’d be surprised at how many people first taste their dish when it hits the dinner table.
Top 5 Kitchen Tools For Beginners
Learning to cook can be a challenging enterprise. There is a dizzying array of ingredients, techniques, and equipment you will find in recipes across the web. But you’ve got to start somewhere. Here are my top 5 kitchen tools for beginners that will help kick-start your culinary adventures.
Southern Style Chicken And Rice Recipe
Chicken and rice go together like peanut butter and jelly. Every cuisine has a version of this combo. This is the version I grew up with: an old-school Southern chicken and rice recipe.
Tone’s Chicken Bouillon Review
Chicken stock is a crucial ingredient in numerous dishes, but I don’t always have it on hand. Sometimes, I don’t have time to make it from scratch either. A good alternative is chicken bouillon. It has a much longer shelf life than chicken stock, so you can always have it on hand for when you run out of stock.
Southern Fried Potatoes Recipe
One of my favorite side dishes growing up was my father’s fried potatoes. While the term fried potato might make one think of french fries, in the South it has a totally different meaning. These potatoes are not deep-fried, but they are no less addicting.