Here’s a tip, save your plastic bags from the grocery store and use them to send food that will stink straight to your outdoor garbage can. You can store them in a drawer, or use a dispenser. I’m looking at the latter in my Simplehuman grocery bag dispenser review today.
The Problem
Prepping dishes often leaves a lot of leftover bits and pieces. Starting with breakfast, you have egg shells that will smell if left in the rubbish too long. That piece of grilled chicken you had for lunch probably needed some fat trimmed off. Leave that in your trash overnight and your house will smell ripe in the morning.
Some other culprits include ground beef packages and raw beef packages. The end pieces of onions will do a number on your home as well. Leftover paper towels from cleaning deep fryers or indoor grills will start to stink after they are caked with grease.
The Solution: Simplehuman Grocery Bag Dispenser
For years I’ve kept plastic bags from the grocery store to take care of these odor-inducing problems. I used to just keep them in a drawer right by my garbage can. However, as my collection of kitchen equipment increased over the years, I needed that draw for storage.
I found out they made actual dispensers for grocery bags on Amazon. After searching through a few options, I choose the Simplehuman model. The stainless steel and black pattern matched my kitchen theme, so it was an easy decision.
Check out the Simplehuman Grocery Bag Dispenser on Amazon!
I’ve had the dispenser for over 4 years now, and I still love it. The Simplehuman dispenser has two slots for screws that go directly into the wall, making installation a breeze. The fact that there are two slots leads to added support when you go to pull bags out. This is super helpful because we put a LOT of bags in there, and they sometimes get jammed. The dispenser has never come off the wall despite these jams.
There are no mechanical parts or complicated workings to this dispenser. Simple feed bags into the top of the holder, and pull them out through the front slot when you need them. The only assembly required is screwing the dispenser into the wall.
The Simplehuman has a nice sleek look to it that immediately drew my attention when shopping. It fit my kitchen theme so well that I knew it was the one to buy. The 5-star rating on Amazon was the chef’s kiss.

The Verdict
I love this dispenser and highly recommend it. The only downside is that it’s a little pricey at $28. If that is out of your budget, there are some cheaper models with slightly lower ratings. Do yourself a favor and save those grocery bags to help keep your house smelling fresh. If you want easy access to them, get a grocery bag dispenser.
Looking for more kitchen hacks for cleaning? Check out my article on How to Keep Your Kitchen Clean!