Cleaning is my least favorite part of cooking, but it is a necessary evil. A clean workspace is vital to safe, efficient cooking. Today we are going to talk about how to keep your kitchen clean.
Cleaning vs Sanitizing
There are two terms we need to differentiate between before we go too far: cleaning and sanitizing. While they can overlap, they sometimes mean different things in the kitchen. You can clean something without necessarily sanitizing it.
When you sanitize something, you remove the germs that can cause food born illness. This is generally done with chemical cleaners.
Sanitizing is important to remember when handling raw food like meat or eggs. For example, if you cut raw meat on a cutting board, you need to sanitize the board before cutting vegetables on it. Simply rinsing the board off, even if you remove all of the raw meat, is not enough. Germs are microscopic.
Types of Cleaning Chemicals
All right, now that we know about sanitizing, let’s talk about the types of cleaning supplies you will need. I generally keep around 5 different types of cleaning solutions on hand for various tasks. That may seem like a lot, but some of them are for specialized tasks and don’t get used often.
The first type of cleaner I keep on hand is dish soap, usually Dawn. Though I have a dishwasher, I often wash some things by hand, especially if I know I’ll need them before the dishwasher runs again. Some pots and pans also need to presoak because the dishwasher can’t handle them.
Along with dish soap, I like to keep a general all-purpose anti-bacterial cleaner on hand. Something like Mr. Clean or 409, whatever is available and relatively cheap. They make all kinds of scents that will help make your kitchen smell wonderful. The key here is that it is anti-bacterial, as this will sanitize your countertops after prepping raw food.
These two cleaners will cover most situations. The next three listed are more specialized.
A good strong degreaser is good to have if you do a lot of frying. Some common brands are Mean Green and Greased Lightning. You can find some all-purpose cleaners that are also grease cutters, but I like to keep something a little stronger on hand.
Next on the list is bleach spray, like Chlorox Cleanup. This is particularly handy for sanitizing cutting boards. I prefer white plastic cutting boards, but they are prone to staining and mildew if you don’t keep them up. Bleach will do the trick. It’s also good for keeping your bathrooms clean.
My last entry is an oven/grill cleaner, like Easy Off. Grills and griddles clean more easily when they are hot, so you need a cleaner that can handle the high temperatures without instantly evaporating.
Good Cleaning Habits
Cleaning doesn’t have to be a pain in the butt. If you develop good habits, it can actually be quite easy. It just takes the right preparation.
If you start off with a clean kitchen, your cleanup will be simpler, so make sure to clean up after each meal! I know its tempting to put off cleaning those pots and pans after cooking a large dinner. Just remember that breakfast is right around the corner. If you put it off, you are going to be cleaning up after two meals instead of one.
Another good idea to prep for cleanup just like you prep for cooking. As I’m getting out all of the equipment I am going to need, I also run a sink of soapy water. This way I can quickly wash some dishes while waiting for things to simmer, boil, or bake. I can also get super dirty things like pots and pans soaking if they need it.
If you have a dishwasher, load it as you go! If a dish doesn’t need to soak, put it in the dishwasher as soon as you are done with it.
You can also use a garbage bowl in your prep area to keep your countertops clean. If you don’t want to dirty a bowl, slide your garbage can closer to where you are prepping. The cleaner you work, the easier cleanup will be at the end.
Even if you have a designated day for sweeping, give your floor a spot sweep as you go along. I highly recommend an electric rechargeable sweeper like a Bissell.
Cleaning is all about effort. If you put more effort into the beginning, you won’t have as much work to do in the end. Plan ahead, and don’t put things off, and your cleaning will be a breeze. Now you know how to keep your kitchen clean.
Want to keep your refrigerator clean and organized too? Check out these easy food storage solutions!