Today I’m sharing my Frigidaire triple slow cooker review. This item has been on our wish list for a while, and we finally got one. Did it live up to our expectations? Keep reading to find out!
Let’s start by explaining what a triple slow cooker is. Most models of slow cookers are ceramic pots sitting on top of heating elements. A triple slow cooker is just what the name implies, 3 slow cookers in one.
Now you might be wondering, why on earth would I need 3 slow cookers? You won’t find yourself often needing to cook 3 slow-cooked meals. However, you might need to cook separate dishes for family gatherings, parties, or big games like the Super Bowl.
The biggest benefit in my eyes with these types of slow cookers is the warming feature. You can keep party foods warm for a couple of hours. With 2 small children and plenty of birthday parties to come, this was a big selling point for my wife and me.
Now that you know what a triple slow cooker is, let’s look at the specs on this Frigidaire model.
This Frigidaire model has a stainless steel finish with black borders around the top and bottom. The three slow cookers come with glass lids and cool touch black handles on each one. It fit in perfectly with our black and stainless theme in the kitchen.
The slow cooker pots are ceramic made, as is typical with this type of cooker. Each cooker has a 2.5-quart capacity, giving you 7.5 quarts of total cooking capacity. The pots are easily removable for cleaning or pouring as they simply sit in the unit. They are also dishwasher safe.

Each slow cooker comes with its own controls, which are located on the front of the unit directly in line with their respective cooker. There are 3 settings: high, low, and warm. This model uses 120v electricity, which means you can plug it into a normal power outlet.

The unit is approximately 24 inches long, about 11 inches deep, and about 8.5 inches tall. It takes up a lot of counter space, so I wouldn’t plan on making it a permanent resident in the kitchen. Make sure you have somewhere to store it between uses. It’s also reasonably heavy, coming in at 23 pounds, so I wouldn’t store it on any high shelves.
Triple Slow Cooker Recipe Ideas
If you decide to buy a triple slow cooker, there are a multitude of amazing appetizers you can cook or store with this appliance.
One of my personal favorites is cocktail sausages in BBQ sauce. The recipe is literally in the name! These little sausages will be a hit at children’s birthday parties. If you prefer beef, BBQ meatballs are a good alternative. My wife makes an excellent grape jelly BBQ sauce that will be posting about soon!
The Frigidaire holds cheese sauce exceptionally well. We love to make a Rotel cheese dip for big games like the Super Bowl, or more recently the Major League Baseball All-Star Game. All you need is Velveeta cheese, Rotal tomatoes, and your favorite dipping chips.

Another fantastic use of this appliance is for holding soups. We can’t wait to line this baby up with cream of potato soup, chicken noodle soup, and beef vegetable soup! Those recipes are coming soon. Fall can’t get here quick enough!
Looking for a dinner idea to throw in the slow cooker? Check out my smothered pork chops recipe!
Frigidaire Triple Slow Cooker Review
Those are the details. But is the Frigidaire triple slow cooker worth it? So far, it has not disappointed. The appliance has performed flawlessly. Slow cookers are relatively simple devices, the only thing that can go bad is the heating element or controls, and we have had problems with neither.
I love the removable pots. They come clean so easily. I haven’t had any issue with food sticking badly. The pots are also designed to make pouring leftovers a breeze. They are sturdy and well made.
Overall, the whole appliance just feels well put together. As I mentioned earlier, it’s kind of big and bulky so we put it away between uses. Despite all of this movement, I haven’t detected any loose bits or broken edges. It’s held up nicely.
The only real complaint I could have for this appliance is the size and weight. But given that this is a TRIPLE slow cooker, you can’t really expect it to be small and lightweight!
If you are looking for something to keep party food or appetizers warm for family gatherings, the Frigidaire will do the trick. Just note that at 2.5 quarts, the individual cookers are not going to cook large roasts, so don’t throw out your regular slow cooker. This is a complimentary piece, not a replacement.