I have a bit of an obsession with kitchen equipment. I’m always browsing the latest gadgets looking for something to make cooking easier. I’ve been through a lot of stuff. Today I’m going to share 5 tips for buying kitchen equipment.
Use Amazon
The first tip I have is to use Amazon. I’m not advocating that you ultimately make your purchase there, but I do recommend you browse there first. Amazon simply has the most extensive product ratings on the market.
I use Amazon’s star rating to weed out the garbage. If a product has 3 stars or below, I’m generally going to disregard it. There are exceptions, especially when there aren’t a lot of options, but in a crowded field I need to see at least 4 stars.
Amazon’s star ratings serve as my first filter. However, my next tip is right there on the same site.
Read Reviews
Amazon’s star ratings are great, but these days even 4 stars just means the product isn’t a scam and probably works. In crowded product fields, you will see a ton of 4 star and up ratings. To find the better products, you have to dig a little deeper.
Fortunately, Amazon provides the next level of filtering as well, and that is written reviews. After narrowing down my choices, I check into the written reviews for products I am interested in. Once again, Amazon has the most extensive selection on the market.
Not all reviews are created equal, so don’t read just one. You can find some amazing reviews on Amazon with pictures and video. You can also find single sentence reviews that are not helpful.
Amazon isn’t the only game in town. Check out the reviews on other sites you frequent as well. If your preferred site is lacking in reviews, my next tip will offer some help that doesn’t involve Amazon.
Watch Product Reviews On Youtube
Reading reviews can give a good idea of a product’s quality. They don’t always reveal if a product is right for YOU. Sometimes I want to see how a product works to know if I”m going to like it. Thankfully, Youtube exists!
Remember the old smartphone catchphrase, “There’s an app for that!” Well, there’s probably a video for that too. Youtube has grown from a niche site to a major media behemoth. It is the second largest search engine in the world, so the odds are you can find what you are looking for on the site.
Product reviews are very popular on Youtube. Many reviews start with the very unboxing of the product itself. Some reviewers are very rigorous, covering every aspect of a product and showing it in action. Its almost as good as getting to try the product out for yourself. You can even leave questions for the reviewer in the comments section if something wasn’t covered.
Shop Around
My text tip is pretty basic and should be utilized in all of your shopping. Don’t buy something, especially something expensive, without shopping around first. You could possibly find a product cheaper somewhere else.
The emergence of the internet has both helped and hurt the shopping experience. On the plus side, you have virtually any product you can think of available with a few keystrokes. Access has never been better.
The downside to all that access is that brick and mortar stores have been forced to close as they can not compete. It is harder than ever to see some products in person. We often have to settle for 2D demonstrations.
The lack of brick and mortar stores makes my first three tips all the more important. Without being able to see a product in person, we are relying on those written and video reviews to tell us about a product.
Look Into Warranties
So you’ve done your research, found the product you want at the price you want. There’s just one more thing to look into, and that is warranties. Obviously, this doesn’t apply to cheaper products like mixing spoons or spatulas, but warranties are very important for things like appliances.
When buying an appliance like a refrigerator, stove, or even a microwave, check into the warranty options. Appliances are expensive, and the major kitchen appliances will see a lot of use. Malfunctions and factory defects are a possibility. You can protect yourself from financial calamity with a good warranty.
Those are my 5 tips for buying kitchen equipment. I hope this helps you with your future purchases!